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What is Prosthodontics?

Prosthodontics is a specialized field of dentistry that focuses on the restoration and replacement of missing or damaged teeth and the surrounding oral structures. Prosthodontic treatments aim to improve the function, appearance, and overall oral health of patients. Here are some common prosthodontic treatments:

Dental Crowns:

A dental crown is a custom-made cap that covers a damaged or weakened tooth to restore its shape, size, strength, and appearance. Crowns are commonly used after root canal treatment or to protect a tooth with a large filling.

Dental Bridges:

A dental bridge is used to replace one or more missing teeth. It consists of artificial teeth (pontics) held in place by dental crowns on the adjacent teeth, effectively bridging the gap.

Dental Implants:

Dental implants are titanium posts surgically inserted into the jawbone to replace missing tooth roots. Once the implants integrate with the bone, they can support dental crowns, bridges, or dentures to restore the function and appearance of the missing teeth.


Dentures are removable appliances used to replace multiple missing teeth or a full set of teeth. They can be made of acrylic, metal, or a combination of both, and they rest on the gums.


Dental veneers are thin shells made of porcelain or composite resin that are bonded to the front surface of teeth to improve their appearance. Veneers can correct discoloration, chips, gaps, and misalignment.

Inlays and Onlays:

Inlays and onlays are custom-made restorations used to repair moderate tooth decay or damage. They are made outside the mouth and then bonded to the tooth to preserve its structure.

Maxillofacial Prosthetics:

This area of prosthodontics deals with the rehabilitation of patients who have defects or disabilities in the head and neck region due to cancer, trauma, or congenital conditions. It includes prostheses for the eyes, ears, nose, and other facial structures.

Full Mouth Reconstruction:

This comprehensive treatment plan involves restoring or replacing all of a patient's teeth to improve function, aesthetics, and oral health significantly.

Prosthodontic treatments are typically tailored to each individual's specific needs, and a prosthodontist is a specialist trained to provide these advanced dental treatments. They work in conjunction with general dentists and other dental specialists to achieve the best possible outcomes for patients requiring complex dental restorations or replacements. If you are considering prosthodontic treatment, it's essential to consult with a qualified prosthodontist to determine the most appropriate and effective treatment plan for your specific situation.